Forth Endrick Province News

Annual General Meeting

The 2017 Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 25 April at Balfron Bowling Club. Di Jackson of Strathendrick Curling Club stepped down after her year as President and John Cross of Castle Curling Club became President for the new season. Gavin Scott of Fintry Curling Club became the next Vice President.

Prizes were presented for the various competitions and details were given of the Province's involvement in Area and National competitions.

Lauren Gray

Lauren Gray of Balfron has been playing in Eve Muirhead's Scotland rink this season. They have won bronze medals in both the European and World Championships as well as winning the Glynhill Ladies International at Braehead.

Scottish Pairs Championship

Andy Hemming and Ian McNeish of the Buccaneers were the Stirling representatives in this competition. They were second in their group but lost in the quarter-finals to the eventual winners, Greenacres.

Forth Valley Area Championship

Strathendrick were the Forth & Endrick representatives in this competition, as holders of the Jim Carswell Cup. In the semi-final Strathendrick pealed with Blairdrummond after 8 ends but narrowly lost on the draw-shot challenge. In the other semi-final, Kilsyth beat Livingston. In the final, Kilsyth beat Blairdrummond.

Stirling Ladies Open

Jane McLaren of Strathendrick was the skip of the winning team in this competition. The other team members were Linsey Allison and Marjorie McCulloch of the Buccaneers and Irene Hird. Mary Paterson, Fiona Glass, Di Christie and Helen Watson of West Stirlingshire Ladies were in the team which came 6th (the last of the prize-winning teams).

Scottish Senior Championsips

The Province had involvement in the finals of both the Men's and Women's competitions this year.

In the Men's competition Andy Hemming of the Buccaneers lost in a close match to a Perth team by 3 shots to 4. Steven Russell and Neil Murray of the Buccaneers were also in the team. Andy is to go to Canada as Alternate in the winning team.

In the Women's competition Jane McLaren of Strathendrick lost by 2 shots to 10 to Jackie Lockhart's team, the current World Champions. Marjory McCulloch of the Buccaneers was also in the team.

Annual General Meeting

The 2016 Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 19 April at Balfron Bowling Club. Dougie Telfer of Loch Ard Curling Club stepped down after his year as President and Di Jackson of Strathendrick Curling club became President for the new season. John Cross of Castle Curling Club became the next Vice President.

Prizes were presented for the various competitions and details were given of the Province's involvement in Area and National competitions. There was a short discussion about matters that had arisen during the season.


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