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Autumn League 2008, Match Results

Scores are in the form TEAM on left and OPPONENTS along the top with each match listed twice (once under each team) Shots are given first and ends second.

Final results at 2 December 2008.

Results of Individual Matches
Team (Skip)1234567
1 (M.Falconer)*5/4e10/5e5/4e9/5e5/5e13/5e
2 (B. Glass)7/4e*2/1e4/4e5/3e5/4e3/2e
3 (J. Phillips)4/3e9/7e*6/5e13/4e1/1e3/3e
4 (A.Roy)4/4e6/4e7/3e*5/3e3/2e4/3e
5 (M. Rennie)4/3e8/5e6/4e11/5e*5/3e8/4e
6 (S. Holden)6/3e6/4e9/6e6/5e10/4e*3/3e
7 (N. Robertson)6/3e12/6e7/5e8/4e8/4e13/5e*

Final results at 2 December 2008
Team (Skip)Games PlayedShots
Shots AgainstEndsPointsFinal Position
6 (S. Holden)6403225101
7 (N. Robertson)654342792
1 (M.Falconer)647312883
5 (M. Rennie)642502454
3 (J. Phillips)636412346
4 (A. Roy)629401945
2 (B. Glass)626461827


The teams for the Autumn League were as follows:

1Marshall Falconer, Walter McGowan, John Anderson, Annabel Struthers, John O'Neill
2Bob Glass, Sheila Sturrock, David Hale, Ron Low
3John Phillips, Archie Banks, Gill Smith, Gail Pain
4Anne Roy, Betty Meikle, Phillip Pain, Sandy Park
5Maurice Rennie, Ian Bowie John Bowie, Rita Harris
6Stephen Holden, Diana Jackson, George Harris, Matt Gingles, Jim Meikle
7Norman Robertson, Fiona Glass, Stan Moore, Eddie Redman

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