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Opening Bonspiel, President's Match

The opening club match of the season was a bonspiel at Stirling Ice Rink on Friday 28 September 2007 between teams representing the President and the Vice President.

The teams were as follows:
Presidents Team AVice Presidents Team A
Fiona GlassSteve Holden
Norman RobertsonAnn Roy
Jim MeikleWalter McGowan
George HarrisJohn Roy
Presidents Team BVice Presidents Team B
John PhillipsMike Jackson
Helen WatsonJim Paterson
Rita HarrisBetty Meikle
Iain MorelandGill Smith

Match format - Most ends won. If tie, then shots up.

The match was very closely fought and the result was only decided by the very last stone.

President's Team A tied with Vice President's Team B on ends at 4 each but Vice President B were up by 9 shots to 5.

President's Team B had 5 ends to Vice President's Team A 3 ends and were up on shots by 10 to 8.

This meant a victory for the President by 9 ends to 7. Interestingly, the Vice President was up on shots by 17 to 15.

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